Well, I had a really great weekend. On Friday, I helped my new friend Kimmi find a costume for Halloween, and I got my haircut. Kimmi works at the Marilyn Ihloff salon in Utica Square. She does a super good job of cutting hair. She gave mine more movement...I LOVE it. When I got home I called my friend Connie in Arkansas, and I invited myself to come visit. I really enjoyed my stay there because I got to hang out with Pedro from Napoleon Dynamite, a really groovy hippie, a very sweet leopard, and a black lab named Dora. I also met a wacky Jedi Knight with a fro. What a weekend! It was wicked awesome! On Sunday, the church I've been visiting had their Fall Festival, and I stayed to partake in the festivities. They had a skillet throwing contest (Did you know that if you throw an iron skillet hard enough, it will break into many pieces?), potato sack races, a hay bale throwing contest, and a cardboard car race. They had a lot of other things too, like a hay ride, cotton candy, caramel apples, popcorn, the list goes on and on. I really had a good time. I can't believe I fit all of these fun activities into one weekend. That was the most fun I have had in a long time. I miss my sister.